Event Management Instruction

Event Management Instruction

The new centralized calendar that includes college, Extension and departmental events is now live on all sites. It allows those with Event Editor permission status to create events - including those that are recurring - and edit your own event. Current content editors can submit a request to be an Event Editor. Please navigate to AGNR Web Service Desk (choose Request a website account and place a note that you want to be an Event Editor)

Once your Event Editor status is approved, you will need to log into the main AGNR site as a first step to creating and submitting events, and also to manage the events you create. Your steps are as follows:


  1. Log into https://agnr.umd.edu/user

  2. In the admin bar, go to Content > Add Content > Event and create the new event

    Add event menu
    1. Add your event content. Please note the “event summary” will not show up on the published event page. The “event description” will display as the content on the event page.

      Event description will display on the webpage.
    2. Add the date in “Details”. You can also add more dates or generate multiple dates.

    3. Add event features in following fields.

    4. Choose filters so viewer can filter the events accordingly. This is also an important step to make sure your event appears on the proper department/program calendar (i.e. Extension, ENST, etc.)

    5. Finally, you can add notes to yourself or to the admin. Save the event, but it will not be published yet. An admin (Laura, Andrew or Graham) will approve it then it will be visible to others.

  3. Back in the admin bar, click content and filter by events under content type to be able to find events and edit them.


The Submit Event button on the event page is still working. BUT if you submit an event through the button (no matter you log in as event editor or not), you CAN NOT EDIT the event in the future, unless you inform an admin to assign that event to you.

Only an admin can delete an event content.


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