AGNR PDF and document policy

AGNR PDF and document policy

If you are planning to share content on an AGNR website, we strongly encourage you to use the page-building tools in Drupal rather than uploading a PDF or other file, as webpages are generally the most user-friendly format for your visitors.

If you’re ever in doubt about whether to upload a PDF to a site, just contact the Web or Communications Team!  We can help you decide on the best way to present your content.

There may be some circumstances in which using an uploadable file is the only feasible option. In that case, the file must meet the University of Maryland’s web accessibility criteria. Any files on any AGNR website found to not meet accessibility standards are subject to removal without notice.

The quickest way to ensure your documents are up to standards is to run them through an accessibility checker. We recommend using the built-in checker in Acrobat for quick confirmation, but if you find yourself having to do frequent accessibility checks and fixes, it may be worth requesting access to Equidox from DIT.


Acrobat PDF Accessibility checker

Equidox PDF accessibility checker and remediation tool

UMD IT Accessibility page - Accessibility information for other types of files can be found in the “Documents” section.

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