Find a node ID and link to it
Sometimes it is helpful to be able to identify a page by its internal Drupal ID rather than the human-readable path or page title. For example, you may find that there are many pages with the same name, which can make it difficult to select the right one for an autocomplete field. If this happens, you can link directly to the correct page by using its ID number.
Here's how to find your Node ID:
Open up the "edit" function of the page in question
Look in the URL and you'll see the node ID. For instance, the Node ID for the page screenshot below is 1608.
If you need the node ID to create a link, you can then enter the following path into the link field: /node/1608 vs using the autocomplete option.
It is preferable to use autocomplete whenever possible, because autocomplete also auto-adds some functionality (such as being able to preview the page title) that is missing when you enter a path directly, but creating a link with its ID is a good backup plan!