


Has the look of the CV changed in the last few years?

 Answer . . .
  1. YES!  If the CV format went through a major overhaul in 2015 with some minor revision in 2021.
  2. The use of the new format is a requirement for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (APT) and Appointment, Evaluation and Promotion (AEP)

What general format should I follow?

 Answer . . .
  1. Use the University of Maryland CV Template (https://faculty.umd.edu/university-cv-template)

Should my CV and other APT documents be written in first or third person?

 Answer . . .
  1. The CV is normally not written from any point of view.  If you must refer to yourself, to clarify in your role in something, do it in third person using your last name or role.
    1. EXAMPLE:
      1. PI Name and YOUR NAME.  Date.  Title.  Granting agency.  Total award $78,000 Co-PI (role) subcontract $9983.
      2. PI Name.  Date.  Title.  NPS Gateways Program.  $10,000.  YOUR LAST NAME, Your Role (Senior Personal, Advisor, etc)
  2. For APT/AEP - the personal statement is typically written in first person.

 Is there a particular citation style I need to follow?

 Answer . . .
  1. In general, the style acceptable to your academic field is suitable for your CV . However, one widely accepted format is APA, which is utilized broadly across the Social Sciences. Info on utilizing the APA format can be found at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/.  Be sure to use the same citation style throughout the entire document.

Are online citations different than hard copy citations? If so, how?

 Answer . . .
  1. YES! There are different formats for print and electronic documents, even for journals that may exist in both formats. Use the citation for the actual format that is utilized.  Typically, an electronic citation will include a link to the document if it is current, plus other pertinent information to provide access.  Check with APA or your selected style manual.

Should I leave all the outline numbers and letters in the template if I don’t have anything in a section?

 Answer . . .
  1. NO! not for a CV that is being submitted for APT or AEP.  If you do not have an entry under a particular heading or subheading, that heading or subheading should be deleted, and the numbering should be updated to follow in chronological order. 
  2. If you are building an TTK or PTK promotion CV you may consider keeping your CV with all possible headings so that you do not have go back and add headings or subheading should they be needed in future years.  This will require you to make a copy and delete headings for your UME annual review CV.

Is there a difference in my CV for the UME AFR and for the UMD APT/AEP package?

 Answer . . .
  1. YES!  The UME AFR (Annual Faculty Review) CV may contain more descriptive information and detail in the teaching section than does the UMD APT/AEP CV. (i.e., UME AFR CV may contain a listing of every talk given under a major program area during the review period with specific information about each talk (# people, length of talk, location, etc) – in the UMD APT/AEP CV all this information would be summarized into 1 or 2 sentences and potentially listed out in greater detail in the Teaching Portfolio)

Is there a maximum length my CV should be?

 Answer . . .
  1. Your UMD APT/AEP CV should be an accurate portrait of your accomplishments in as concise a manner as possible. While a specific number of pages is not given on the template, our Provost’s Office has indicated no more than 20 pages as a goal. Others on your committee may recommend no more than 30 pages. Length without content is not what is wanted and will look like padding.
  2. The final decision is yours.  Your CV needs to tell your story in as few words and pages as possible.
  3. The same may not be true for your UME AFR CV, given that Program Leaders are looking for additional detail for the current year under review.  This additional information may be provided as an addendum or in the context of the CV, whichever you choose. Indicate current year entries with colored highlighting.

Should I include key elements of my position description? If so, where?

 Answer . . .
  1. NO! This is not appropriate in a CV.  For APT/AEP purposes this information is conveyed in the personal statement.

Does my CV really have to be signed to be official?

 Answer . . .
  1. Yes!  Your UME APT/AEP CV and your UMD AFR CV needs to be signed and dated.  You are certifying that the materials you are presenting are a truthful and accurate portrayal of your work.


How do I designate the lead author on a publication?

 Answer . . .
  1. All authors should be listed in the order they appear on the publication. 
  2. When the work is a product of a large group (more than 10 authors), not all authors need be listed.  As an example, the first three, the last three, and the individual him/herself (including his/her place in the total author list) may be listed.
  3. When working in teams, it is important to decide the authorship order at the start of the project.

I have a journal article in press. Can I include it in my CV?

 Answer . . .
  1. Yes!  There is a specific heading within the Scholarship section that allows you to put works in the publication process in your CV. 
  2. This includes:  submitted, under review, pending revisions, accepted 
  3. This does include:  You are currently writing something and it's on you computer - the article must be in the publication process somewhere.

I have submitted a journal article for publication, but I have not received notification of acceptance. Can I include it in my CV?

 Answer . . .
  1. YES!  Same as above.

What if my submitted journal article is accepted and/or published after my UMD APT CV has been submitted?

 Answer . . .
  1. At any point in the APT process, up to the President’s level, you can add an addendum to your APT/AEP CV.  This should be done to add additional significant pieces of scholarship (journals, grants, etc.) to your CV.  Talk to your APT/AEP chair or mentor for more information.

I have submitted a publication for review to the UME Publication system, but I have not received notification that it has been accepted or approved. Can I include it in my CV?

 Answer . . .
  1. YES!  This goes under the same heading as articles in the publication process.

Should I include publications and work from my entire career or only the past five years?

 Answer . . .
  1. Your CV should present an accurate portrait of your accomplishments in as concise a manner as possible. It should reflect the full scope of your professional experiences and career, in general.
  2. Your APT/AEP evaluation will be based on your work within the department from the date of your appointment or last promotion.
  3. If there is substantive work in a field totally unrelated to the current position, a summary entry for these efforts might be included rather than a detailed listing of every book or article published 30 years ago.

Should I summarize my grants and gifts in a table? How do I indicate what my role was?

 Answer . . .
  1. NO!    Grants should be written as citations.
  2. If you are not the only Primary Investigator on a grant or gift you should briefly describe your role in the development of the grant/gift and award amount.

Do I include grants that I applied for but were not funded?

 Answer . . .
  1. NO. Unfunded grants should NOT be included in the APT/EP CV. 

I have a grant proposal that is currently being considered for funding, can I include it in my CV?

 Answer . . .


Should I summarize my teaching data in tables or put in everything?

 Answer . . .

I teach one class on campus annually. Should that be listed in the teaching section?

 Answer . . .
  1. Yes!  If you are invited in as a guest lecturer for a traditional class for someone else’s program you would list that activity under III.F.4 Guest Lectures.

Should I include teaching contacts for my entire career, or for past five years only?

 Answer . . .
  1. This depends on what type of teaching you are reporting.
    1. For formal teaching in the university setting, the official UMD APT/AEP CV template indicates that only courses taught in the past five years should be included.
    2. For your UME AFR CV entries would be summarized for past years, for the duration of that particular Major Extension program, with the current year under review provided in greater detail.
    3. For your UMD APT/AEP CV, a summary of teaching related to Major Extension Programs for one’s career, as well as other significant teaching events, should be included.