New Faculty Onboarding - Module 1

New Faculty Onboarding - Module 1

Welcome to University of Maryland Extension (UME). We're glad you're here!

Our team has put together this onboarding plan to help you get up to speed in your new role as an Extension Educator. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions

Overview of Extension - to be completed with Area Extension Director/Baltimore City Extension Director (AED/BCED)

  • Orientation checklist and reporting procedures

  • Job responsibilities based on position description

  • History of Extension, Mission, philosophy, etc.

UME’s Structure and Function (web links)

UME’s Structure and Function (web links)

UME Website

UME Strategic Plan

UME Plan of Organization

Shared Governance Structure (scroll down on linked page to view)

Faculty Staff Affairs Page

UME Answers Website

UMD College of AGNR Strategic Initiatives

Alphabet Soup(organizational acronyms and initialisms)


  • Take time to learn. In your first 30 days, try to focus on getting comfortable and learning how things work.

  • Invest in relationships. By day 60, you'll be in execution mode. In your first two months, spend as much time as you can getting to know people and forming relationships.

  • Don't be afraid to ask. No one expects you to know how things at UME work right away. Take advantage of that and ask for help when you need it.

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