Create and foster a culture of innovation that anticipates and responds to current and emerging needs of the organization and Maryland residents.
Innovation Work Team Guarantor - Vanessa Bright vbright@umd.edu
Objective 2.1 Nimble Organization Examine and retool existing structures, processes, and mechanisms to position the organization to respond quickly and appropriately to emerging issues and needs. | |
Strategy 2.1.1 Designate time in faculty IEP or staff PRD for identification of emerging needs or addressing unanticipated issues in the State | |
Strategy 2.1.2 Use technology to solidify UME's competitive advantage as source of trusted research-based information | |
Objective 2.2 Partnerships and Funding Strengthen existing and establish new partnerships and funding streams to maximize achievement of UME's mission and vision. | |
Strategy 2.2.1 Foster partnerships with government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, other state Extension services, and faculty and staff from UMD, UMES, and other USM institutions to increase multidisciplinary programs | |
Strategy 2.2.2 Diversify revenue sources including fee-based programming, cost recovery, endowments, and new public funding | |
Strategy 2..2.3 Enhance relationships with national, state, and local elected officials | |
Objective 2.3 Creating Culture Create and support a culture of innovation and calculated risk-taking in all areas and at all levels of the organization. | |
Strategy 2.3.1 Support faculty and staff innovation efforts through celebration of successes and lessons learned | |
Strategy 2.3.2 Employ cutting-edge technologies and resources to promote, deliver, and evaluate programs and processes |