Tracking Educational Articles (Extension site)

On the UME site, a lot of content (such as News stories and Educational Articles) is housed in a communal pool rather than siloed into sections. This makes it easier for visitors to find content from anywhere on the site, but it makes it harder for content authors to determine how successful their communications efforts are.

Fortunately, there are still ways to track pageviews for your Educational Articles.

Option 1: Search for Articles by name

If you have only published a few Articles, the easiest way to view them is to simply search for them one at a time, by name.

  1. Go to Content Drilldown
  2. Go to /learn/
  3. In the search box, search for the portion of the URL path that identifies your Article.

Option 2: Track the “Brought To You By” field

All Educational Articles on the Extension site have a “Brought to you by” field that allows you to enter the name of the program or county that produced the Article. This field is sent to Google Analytics in the form of a custom dimension specific to the Extension website. You can track views of your own educational articles by filtering your Analytics view to show only Articles with your program name stored in that field.

Before August 2015, instead of a custom dimension, we used a custom variable to track data for the Brought to you by field, but this custom variable is no longer in use. To see “Brought to you by” data from before August 4, 2015, see the archived instructions. For data from August 4, 2015 and beyond, follow these instructions.

  1. Go to Content Drilldown
  2. Go to /learn/
  3. In the menu for Secondary Dimension, open “Custom Dimensions," then select "Brought to you by."

4. The table will now show various programs in the second column.

5. To show only content that is “Brought to you by” a specific program or county, create an advanced filter

6. Filter the text to your section name (or just a unique portion of it).

7. Now the data shown will only include pages with the filter value in the Brought to you by field.