Promotion Resources (PTK and TT/TTK)


CV Resources - For ALL

UMD CV Template - updated June 2021

UMD CV Template - updated 4/24/19 - Annotated

UME CV Training Presentation (YouTube)- updated 1/2023

One-on-One CV consultation

Teaching Portfolio Resources - For ALL

A cohesive collection of documents that communicates your philosophy of teaching, summarizes your teaching activity, provides evidence of your effectiveness, highlights student mentorship, and demonstrates a commitment to professional development. (TLTC)

Teaching portfolios are now required for all faculty (TTK and PTK) wishing to be considered for promotion.

UME Teaching Portfolio Resources

UME Teaching Portfolio Presentation (MP4)- updated 5/2020

UME Teaching Portfolio Presentation (PDF) - updated 5/2020

UME Teaching Portfolio Suggested Template - updated 5/2020

Table Templates - updated 5/2020

One-in-One Teaching Portfolio Consultations

UMD & Other Teaching Portfolio Resources

UMD - Planning for the APT Teaching Portfolio (PDF) - 3 page section of the APT manual that describes the value of and various structures a teaching portfolio can take.

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement (PDF) -TLTC

UMD Teaching & Learning Transformation Center - general site