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Comment: Reverted from v. 10


Objective 1.1 Land-Grant Mission      

Engage collectively in discussion and action to recognize tradition and innovation within the land grant mission of UME.

Strategy 1.1.1 Value and support the traditional program base and meet emerging needs across impact areas to be globally relevant for youth and adults
Strategy 1.1.2 Attend to and align programming and marketing for current and anticipated demographic shifts (e.g., increases in older residents, immigrants and children of immigrants, urban/metro residents, minority populations)
Strategy 1.1.3 Address emerging needs in both the rural and urban sectors, in order to develop and implement research-based programs that meet the needs and interests of diverse audiences in the four impact areas
Strategy 1.1.4 Integrate urban programs into the fabric of the organization and support programs that link urban, suburban, and rural youth and adult audiences

Objective 1.2 Prioritization           

Orient the organization toward relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness as a basis for program development and delivery.

Strategy 1.2.1 Conduct comprehensive assessment of the need for and impact of current UME programs


Action Step 1

Develop an Assessment Team: Develop the criteria and methods for the creation of needs assessments that evaluates is current programs are meeting the needs of the various program area clientele

Action Step 2

Compile and evaluate 3 years of impacts for                                                  

Action Step 3

Creation of Evaluation Rubric that will determine the needs to initiate, expand or phase out current programs                            

Work Group Team 

Jeff Howard, Jim Lewis, Jackie Takacs

Formed 6/15/2015

Work Group Formed   
Work Group Tasks   
Notes Request for data sent to A Lazur 
Date Complete Anticipated Completion August 2015 
Strategy 1.2.2 Use assessment results to initiate, expand, or phase out programs as needed
Strategy 1.2.3 Support impact teams in developing signature programming

Objective 1.3 Ongoing Evaluation    

Develop, implement, and support a transparent process for regular and ongoing evaluation of the outcomes and impacts of UME programs.

Strategy 1.3.1 Create a process for prioritizing program development based on demonstrated needs and emerging issues

Strategy 1.3.2 Fully implement the Program Assessment Tool, the Curriculum Assessment Tool, and the Materials Assessment Tool

Strategy 1.3.3 Widely distribute highlights of the impact and value of UME programs to constituents, partners, elected officials, and funders